
About Me

Let's Get Acquainted

It was the month of August in 1999, when I moved to Detroit from Pune, India to pursue my higher studies and stay close to the automotive industry. Worked across the automotive domains in consulting and most recently in sales and business development. Am an avid reader of personal development books. John Maxwell, Darren Hardy, Brian Tracy, Bob Burg are some of my favorite authors. Am an avid tennis player. Am blessed with a beautiful wife and two daughters.   

Wanted to capture my thoughts and share them with my network and hence this blog. This blog came out of from my experiences. With over 21 years of experience in the automotive sector, I have decided to pivot into leadership development, public speaking and mentoring. I aspire to write a book one day and this blog and the feedback I get, will lead me there soon. 

As a visitor here, I encourage you to leave feedback and ask questions. I strongly believe that your network is your networth. I received and continue to receive help and mentoring from my mentors and I want to pay it forward. This blog is one of the ways to do so. I would not be where I am today without the support and mentoring of my subordinates and leaders. 

Thank you so much for being part of my journey. Look forward to helping you, by connecting you to opportunities, to people or by extending my network to you.

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